Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Do hair stylists rely on tips the same way as wait staff in a restaurant do?

I tip 20% but sometimes depending on what I get done it can get a bit pricey. I have always wondered if stylists need to be tipped 20% as well.

Do hair stylists rely on tips the same way as wait staff in a restaurant do?

Of course they should, anytime someone is giving you a service, may it be hairstyling or servicing you in a restaurant, they deserve a tip. 20% may mean a too much to you, but it means alot more to them. Think about all the work they do into making you look great. If it's getting too pricey for you, then I'd suggest going to the hairdresser only to get your hair styled, then going to a haircuttery to get it trimmed. You'll save tons of money doing that. Or if you really like the salon, try going to a junior assistant. At my last appt. my girl was sick, so I had her assistant do it, she was just working with what my girl had done for me a few months ago. Not only did it look great, but it was 20 dollars cheaper.

Good luck!

Do hair stylists rely on tips the same way as wait staff in a restaurant do?

Yes they do! Stylist are usually paying to rent their chair or they are only paid a % on what they bring in and make in tips.

So tips are a big part of the wages!

Do hair stylists rely on tips the same way as wait staff in a restaurant do?

Not all, some rent their booth and keep their earnings but have to pay weekly/monthly rental or they work on some kind of a percentage.......so well maybe they do depend upon the tips to supplement. One salon I used to go to they refused tips because they said it was part of their job to do the service and the friendliness came free.

Do hair stylists rely on tips the same way as wait staff in a restaurant do?

yes, my sister is a hairstylist and tips are the better part of her pay.

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