Friday, November 13, 2009

How to be a hottie and get a hot bod? and also tips on makeup, looks, hair, workout, diet, social sk

ok.. i'm a 17 year old girl, and i'm 5'3 and weigh about 138 right now. i've lost 22 pounds, but i need to lose another 18.

i also want to improve on my looks and social skills and everything in general, so if you can give me and tips, that would be awesome =]

what advice can you give me to be a hottie and get a hot bod?

thanks =]

How to be a hottie and get a hot bod? and also tips on makeup, looks, hair, workout, diet, social skills, etc?

Hey sweetie!

My advice is pick a part of your body to love and run with it! Like I like my stomach so I work that at the gym so I have a nice tight sexy tummy.

Confidence is a must as other posters have said but ARROGANCE is very very unattractive no matter how hot you are so be careful!!

Drink lots of water (8 glasses a day) and be kind to your body. Don't eat junk food (but do eat!!) And don't smoke, drink, burn your hair everyday with a hot hairdryer and straighteners and stuff.

Be yourself. Find you own style (make-up and clothes). I'm 22 and its only now I've started to naturally develop my own style and make my own clothes and jewellery. But some advise, pick a part of your face you like and work with that. I like my eyes best so I keep my cheeks and lips fairly neutral.

Lastly, have fun and enjoy being 17!! There is nothing more boring and pathetic than a young girl obsessed with how she looks and who won't have any fun in case she messes up her hair or breaks a nail!

How to be a hottie and get a hot bod? and also tips on makeup, looks, hair, workout, diet, social skills, etc?

Being a hottie is a function of attitude. Trust me. Be your own best friend. Eat properly, excercise regularly, dress well, be neat and clean, get plenty of sleep, have fun when time permits, don't smoke and if you are in love, make love as often as you can.

Do what you love - or - love what you do.

How to be a hottie and get a hot bod? and also tips on makeup, looks, hair, workout, diet, social skills, etc?

confidence is the hottest thing on any guy or girl....if you don't believe you're hot...nobody else will =)

I've dated many gorgeous men...only to later find out their personality sucked...goodbye!!

How to be a hottie and get a hot bod? and also tips on makeup, looks, hair, workout, diet, social skills, etc?

Confidence is key! Social skills comes with condfidence you can't be afraid to speak to others! work out eat less calories do at least 30 minutes of excersise a day they say if you want to see stomach results do 100 crunches everyday and by about a month you will see some results!

How to be a hottie and get a hot bod? and also tips on makeup, looks, hair, workout, diet, social skills, etc?

i was going to say exercise to get a hot bod, but then whats a whats a hot bod, men like curves more then rakes, dont worry about losing weight and amounts, just be happy and healthy.

socially if you haven't you will be starting work or uni soon and that will through things up in the air, use face book, myspace to keep in touch with old friends

be yourself,

we all want to be hot but there are always hotter people then us, you cant help that.

How to be a hottie and get a hot bod? and also tips on makeup, looks, hair, workout, diet, social skills, etc?

More outgoing, be flirty and be pretty..... duh...

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