Friday, November 13, 2009

Tips on bleaching hair.?

What is the best way to bleach hair. I don't want it to come out ginger but i don't want to burn my hair either. I want it white.

Tips on bleaching hair.?

Fist thing I would advise is go to the Hairdressers to get it done!!

But failing that - you need to use a bleach depending on your natural hair colour. The "Jerome Russell" bleaching kits are good. If you are fair to medium hair colour, use the one with 9% 30 Vol peroxide, if you have dark hair use 12% 40 Vol peroxide (look at the back of the box - this will tell you what % the peroxide is).

Bleached hair only goes yellow if it is not left on long enough! So get the right bleach for your hair and leave it on for the proper time to suit your hair colour (instructions in box).

before taking the colour off get someone to check the back by scraping some colour off to see what your hair colour has lightened to.

Tips on bleaching hair.?

As long as you've not coloured your hair b4 youll have no problems. And don't leave it on til it burns, keep a close eye on it. You'll know when it's white.

Tips on bleaching hair.?

if you don't want to fry it, i suggest spending the money and head to the salon.

Tips on bleaching hair.?

Have it done!!!!!!!!!

Tips on bleaching hair.?

Well what color is your hair to start with...if its a really dark tinted color like REALLY dark brown then I would go with dying it red for a week or so then go with bleaching want to gradually get your hair lighter so you know when to stop bleaching. Mind you it does do a lot of damage to your hair.

Good luck! :)

Tips on bleaching hair.?

dont do it . go to a hairdresser if they make a mess of it they have to fix it ,or they dont get paid

Tips on bleaching hair.?

The best tip I can give you is dont do something like this yourself.

Rather visit a hairdresser. Bleaching really dries out hair, and unless you want it to look grassy, go to a professional, will give it the right pre-treatment as well as moisture treatment.

Tips on bleaching hair.?

bleach is tricky when doing it yourself i wouldnt recommend doing at home get someone that knows what theyre doing or go to a salon or training centre

Tips on bleaching hair.?

Hair bleaching is not really a hair removal technique but it is used to disguise the hair against the skin by making it appear much lighter so it is harder to see.

Whatever you do 閳?DO NOT USE LAUNDRY BLEACH 閳?or any other type of household bleaching agents.

These may cause reactions with your skin, discoloration, burns etc. as well as the potentially dangerous fumes; especially if you are bleaching the hair on your top lip.

There are specially formulated cosmetic bleaches designed for just this purpose.

Use one of those.

Before bleaching any area of your body (the top lip is most common), test a small area first to ensure you don閳ユ獩 have an adverse reaction to the bleaching agent.

Skin irritation, burning, itching, redness, soreness, blisters, or any other adverse reaction should be checked for. If this occurs and the symptoms do not relieve after thoroughly cleaning the bleaching agent off please seek medical advice immediately!

Bleaching hair is not advisable for people with a dark tan or naturally dark skin. Bleached hair will stand out against this background, defeating the purpose of the exercise.

Tips on bleaching hair.?

Bleaching is tricky, but it can be done.

If you colored your hair (especially red shades) you should have it done. Some products really don't go well one over another, and professional should know more about it.

If you have dark hair it will be tricky to not get an orange shade in the end. If that's what happens, tone in with blue.

I have my hair completely white, and I'm naturally brunette. I have to use 40 volume bleach.

Use professional products, don't use that drug store stuff. You can get them at beuaty supply stores.

Depending on your original color, you'll need a 30 or 40 volume. If these numbers tell you nothing you might want to consider it done at a salone, and eventually as you learn it by bits and pieces, you'll do it yourself.

Good luck. Don't fry it.

Tips on bleaching hair.?

domestos . why av u put a religious symbol of om as ur picture yo that's wrong and a embarrassment to Hindus

Tips on bleaching hair.?

if you got dark hair by the strongest vol leave on for max 45 mins. it will go through all the stages. needs to be pale yellow then apply a platnium blonde toner. it worked for me.

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