Wednesday, November 11, 2009

If i wanted to dye the tips of my hair red, does that mean i'm emo? or Punk? or other?

Just because you dress a certain way doesn't automatically make you a member of that group. People who are punk wouldn't consider you punk just because of your hair color - it's how you act as well as how you look. If you want to dye the tips of your hair red, it means you want to dye the tips of your hair red. Only you know your own motivation for it. If you just think it would look cool then that's all it means! :)

If i wanted to dye the tips of my hair red, does that mean i'm emo? or Punk? or other?

Dont put labels on yourself.

If i wanted to dye the tips of my hair red, does that mean i'm emo? or Punk? or other?

It means you like experimenting with hair color and possibly the color red. That's all.

If i wanted to dye the tips of my hair red, does that mean i'm emo? or Punk? or other?

it means youve made a choice.

If i wanted to dye the tips of my hair red, does that mean i'm emo? or Punk? or other?

No, you don't have to fit yourself into a category.

If i wanted to dye the tips of my hair red, does that mean i'm emo? or Punk? or other?

It means......You want to dye the tips of your hair red....NEXT !

If i wanted to dye the tips of my hair red, does that mean i'm emo? or Punk? or other?

or a can? "Labels are for cans, not people" I love that quote. Don't label yourself.

If i wanted to dye the tips of my hair red, does that mean i'm emo? or Punk? or other?

No. Those are called labels, which are stupid. You can be whatever you want with red tips.

If i wanted to dye the tips of my hair red, does that mean i'm emo? or Punk? or other?

Don't worry about sterotypes if someone isn't willing to get to know because of red tips, they are probably too shallow anyways. I also know plenty of people who wouldn't fit into either of those sterotypes and they have red tips so i think its safe

If i wanted to dye the tips of my hair red, does that mean i'm emo? or Punk? or other?

EMOtional, j/k it doesn't mean that you are emo or punk it means your creative and you like the color red


If i wanted to dye the tips of my hair red, does that mean i'm emo? or Punk? or other?

I totally agree iwth everyone who says this type of stuff is all about what you choose to do, rather than trying to fit into any label. Emo and punk are all about personality and attitude, not about the way you dress or style your hair.

If i wanted to dye the tips of my hair red, does that mean i'm emo? or Punk? or other?

it means you want to die the tips of your hair red

If i wanted to dye the tips of my hair red, does that mean i'm emo? or Punk? or other?

God I hate stereotypes and labels. It only means you wanted to dye the tips of your hair red. Nothing else.

If i wanted to dye the tips of my hair red, does that mean i'm emo? or Punk? or other?

it means you wanted to dye your hair red, there's nothing wrong with that, my brother's friend has some red hair and she's not emo or punk or whatever, she's very nice and likes animals.

Like the others said don't label yourself.

plus anyone who labels you has labeled themselves as something.

If i wanted to dye the tips of my hair red, does that mean i'm emo? or Punk? or other?

no and if people think you are just because of that they're stupid

If i wanted to dye the tips of my hair red, does that mean i'm emo? or Punk? or other?

no, it sort of depends though...

If i wanted to dye the tips of my hair red, does that mean i'm emo? or Punk? or other?

Nothing at all. You just like it. People think I'm weird cus I like Rock to Hip/Hop. Pop R%26amp;B to Oldies to Reggae. I have black hair and wear black and I am not Emo. I had blonde hair and people think I'm just like any other Asian girl with highlights till they talk to me. Sometimes people just do what they like, just know who you are inside.

If you feel out of place just remember, if you can work with it then you can work with it.

I don't believe in that "Walks like a duck, looks like duck, must be a duck". Unless you want to be the duck.

If i wanted to dye the tips of my hair red, does that mean i'm emo? or Punk? or other?

that's teh problem with society. we're living by these so called "universale lables" of what being edgy is. just becaues u wanna be creative in ur style doesn't meen ur automaticly put into a group of some sort. i'm black and i we're skinny jeans and band t-shirts. does it make me "emo"? don't listen to haters. have fun with ur new hair...i'm sure it will look glam on u.


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