Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Any tips on getting rid of hair frizz?

I have frizzy hair. They are not split ends. It bugs me. I put mousse but that certainly doesn't help. Please don't suggest me any shampoos or conditioners, the only kind I use is White Rain and that is the only shampoo that is not animal tested. :) Tips, please.

Any tips on getting rid of hair frizz?

Just have someone twist it. Divide it up in small pieces and just twist until it is tight. Take the sissors and cut the frizz off of the twisted piece. Also, if you put a little Downey in a spray water bottle and spritz it on your hair, it will keep the frizz down.

Any tips on getting rid of hair frizz?

use oil i speak from experience

mi hair is curly and i live in a hot

%26amp; humid climate...horrible for my hair

so i use oil.. not to much though Report It

Any tips on getting rid of hair frizz?

tail and mane made for horses

Any tips on getting rid of hair frizz?

You can use thremasilk shampoo and conditioner my hair was frizzy until i used thremasilk!

Any tips on getting rid of hair frizz?

Serums work great, like frizz-ease, I like Bedhead Girltoys. if you put a leave-in cond. in before you style it should help too.

Any tips on getting rid of hair frizz?

I do my hair and then i put hair spray on and smooth down my hair before the spray dries completely... the frizz normally goes away

Any tips on getting rid of hair frizz?

I also use main and tail, and yes it was origanally made for show horses but it works great! It is in a white bottle with blue and yellow lettering/pictures (about $6-$7 for the big bottle) any other type of bottle is an imitation

Any tips on getting rid of hair frizz?

I use this stuff called frizz ease it is in a red bottle. I am not sure if it has been animal tested but it works great for me. I do have frizzy hair and it is long and curly. Maybe white rain has a frizz ease product.

Any tips on getting rid of hair frizz?

Buy sunsilk silky %26amp; straight shampoo and conditioner, use this and its great, works wonders

Any tips on getting rid of hair frizz?

Shave it off. It work the best

Any tips on getting rid of hair frizz?

put a little bit of lotion in your hair. Not so much to make it's cheeper than buying that expensive stuff for your hair.

Any tips on getting rid of hair frizz?

why you dont use the machine to straight the hair is great and very easy.

Any tips on getting rid of hair frizz?

This definitely works. I do it all the time and people think i have naturally shiny, straight hair, which i dont really.

first pick a conditioner that works for your hair type. Two that work great for me are suave, and any heat activated ones.

On dry hair, Take the largest curling iron you have, or a hair straightener. Take a strand of hair into your hand, and put a slight dab of conditioner on your hair. Not too much. You can add more, till you see the difference. As soon as you rub in a tiny bit of regular conditioner on your hair, take your iron and straighten the lock of hair. I think this locks in some conditioning into your hair. It straightens it and make it bouncy, shiney, and straight with out frizz.

Don't use any moose. It will destroy your hair and make it frizzy.

Extra hair products are usually a waist of money, and ultimately a waist to your hair.

The cool thing is you can train your hair like this after a period of time. After straightening it all, you can let the natural oils for your hair condition further buy not washing it for one or two days.

Any tips on getting rid of hair frizz?

Very few non-medical companies did animal testing. Those that did stopped decades ago.

Any tips on getting rid of hair frizz?

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:Hair care/hot oil massages/ henna on hair

Read...Free Beauty tips on....natural and homemade methods to:

Skincare/Acne cure/Blemishes/Whiteheads/Blackheads/



Henna on hair/Splitends/Oilyhair/Dryhair


Eye care/Darkcircles/Puffiness/eyebags

Free beauty tips on Makeup/Hairstyles %26amp; photo gallery/

hair highlighting/Weight loss etc...

Any tips on getting rid of hair frizz?

Use a small amount of your conditioner (white rain is cool, make sure it's a moisturizing kind) on your wet hair and comb thru. Let it air dry,too! Blow dryers are our enemy!!

Any tips on getting rid of hair frizz?

rub a small amount of sorbolene cream through dry hair to tame frizzies

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