Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Dying tips and roots of your hair only?

i want to dye my hair but i want it too be two colors. blonde and burgundy i want the roots and the tips to be burgundy and the middle to be blonde how can i do it without messing the blonde part up. any tips suggestions please...

Dying tips and roots of your hair only?

prob go to a professional.

i guess if u have to, foil the roots while u dye the rest then dye the roots and go back over the tips with the burgundy

Dying tips and roots of your hair only?

do it by a pro

but i wouldnt do the roots.

it looks fake and then u will see the blond start to grow above the burgundy

Dying tips and roots of your hair only?

theres no way. any shade of red will bleed. and it will over lap the blond. you can be carelul by them not touching when dying. but the red will bleed every tiem you wash it. and it will stai nthe cblond

Dying tips and roots of your hair only?

You could have this done professionally and it would be easier but if you want to do it yourself than do the blonde first than the roots as far out as you want the burgandy to go and then the tips. It would be easier if you do it a section at a time. So do the roots, let it sit, than wash it out and when youre finished with those go for the tips. Divide the hair up into sections so that the hair is easier to work with and you have a bit more control over what youre doing. Slow and careful are the key. If you try and rush, youre more likely to mess up.

Dying tips and roots of your hair only?

use foil to mask the areas that you do not want color deposited to or to be bleached of color

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