Wednesday, November 11, 2009

How do I curl My hair (with rollers). Tips..?

Help!! need fast quick ways to keep my hair curly!!! with rollers. need to make sure the curls dont fall out!!


How do I curl My hair (with rollers). Tips..?

well my hair is hard as hell to curl but with rollers with the pins shaped like a U work best for me, Just roll your hair in the roller kinda side ways so when they come out of the rollers it won't have that flipped or flipped under look. And do it tight, it may hurt but the outcome is beautiful.

Hope this helps

How do I curl My hair (with rollers). Tips..?

According to your avatar, your hair is already curly.


How do I curl My hair (with rollers). Tips..?

try using a curling iron. some shampoo and conditioner that enhances curls or something. some kind of curling gel on ur hair n then use curling iron.

How do I curl My hair (with rollers). Tips..?

Easy, wash your hair, use rollers, let your hair dry, un curl them and use hair spray.

How do I curl My hair (with rollers). Tips..?

Well, after they're in, put hairspray in, then take the curlers out. Ask your hairdresser, because he/she knows what to do for your type of hair, (thick/thin/long/short etc.)

How do I curl My hair (with rollers). Tips..?

Try using a curling move before you apply the rollers and an extra hold hairspray.

Another way it to put gel on your wet hair, and do the small rollers. Let it dry and when they are dry just take them out, put some hairspray and separate the curls using your fingers. This is more for like Sherley Temple locks!

You can also, put on mousse and hairspray and do them with a curling iron but this will take someone else to help you.

Hope this helps!

How do I curl My hair (with rollers). Tips..?

To maintain the look of the jheri curl, users were required to apply activator and heavy moisturizers daily and to sleep with a plastic cap on their heads to keep the hairstyle from drying out. These products were relatively expensive (a typical bottle of activator was small, retailed anywhere from $3 to $6, and was quickly depleted.) The activator in particular had the undesirable side effect of being very greasy; this would often stain clothing and anything that came into contact with it.

How do I curl My hair (with rollers). Tips..?

If you have your hair damp and curl it on sponge rollers (they're pink, you can still buy them) then sleep on them over night almost any hair will curl and stay curly for a day with that.

And don't just curl the ends, start at the top, seperate evenly sized bunches of hair and curl it all over.

When you take the rollers out, if you want all the curl, you just run your fngers through it. If you want to you can take out any amount of curl by brushing it until the curl you want is left.

How do I curl My hair (with rollers). Tips..?

check out the hair products at your local grocery store--there are numerous products that are supposed to keep your curls

depending upon what you desire for the end result, will determine the direction/size of rollers

start at the crown of your head (about an inch from your forehead) and work your way back--then curl the sides

if you want bouncy long curls....roll the hair onto the roller longways (perpendicular/horizontal/right angles)

if you want curly body...rollers should be inserted parallel (equivalent/corresponding/like/similar)

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